Friday, January 16, 2009

DAY 16


Today is day 16.

Yesterday, was a disaster...okay...I shouldn't say disaster...that is a harsh word.

The car needed oil, antifreeze/coolant...and it really needs to get a tune up, but that is low on the list of what we can do at the moment. I thought, okay, after we catch up on funds from Christmas holidays (Paula being off for 2 wees) then we can get the car in.

Today...was this...

Today...finding out Paula's pay is about half of what it is normally. Hmmm...shucks!
Today...getting our gas/hydro bill for $600...okay...CHOKE!!
Today...wondering...when we will get ahead.
Today...needing more faith than yesterday.

Sometimes, it seems the more we try to do the right thing...the more things go wrong.

But we also made some good choices yesterday. I had 2 guys over to watch a movie, which I borrowed from another friend, and instead of going out to buy chips and such, one of the friends brought muffins...and Paula made popcorn on the stove...yes in the pot type variety...and it was AMAZING better than the microwave popcorn, which is terrible for you.
Paula and I make our lunches, and snacks and think before hand about suppers, and we are making healthier choices and keeping the costs low. Even though we keep being invited out, we continue to take a stand and decline, but offering other alternative choices. A few people have invited us to share meals with them, and I still want to make a DVD lending library...instead of spending $ on rentals.

I was listening on the news today, about Government spending and the new budget and they kept saying that it is better that the government not over spend...that it would be best to lower personal taxes...etc...and the discussion went on and on.

Now, I kept wondering to myself...what if the government adopted a policy of Jubilee, and it became a nation wide policy of debt elimination. Regardless of who, all debts would be erased. Everyone would be expected to eliminate all debt after a series of years. I realize this would create havoc...or I believe it would, in terms of financial would they survive? Or would it cause them to thrive? Maybe it would cause more people to spend, and more people to buy and increase our economy rather than slow it down. Maybe more people would invest?

I know there are many things to think about in terms of a Jubilee, how it would work, what it would entail.

Wikipedia gives this definition:

The concept of the Jubilee is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon. In the Biblical book of Leviticus, a Jubilee year is mentioned to occur every fifty years, in which slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest. In Christianity, the tradition dates to 1300, when Pope Boniface VIII convoked a holy year. Christian Jubilees, particularly in the Catholic tradition, generally involve pilgrimage to a sacred site, normally the city of Rome. At various times in Church history, they have been celebrated every 50 or 25 years.

So there is more to a jubilee than just debts forgiven. Interesting points to think about when we meditate on the mercies of God, particularly in our own lives.

So ends day 16..

What I've learned? That I need God. That even in this, I need him, and in my frustration, spend time alone with him. For He alone is my source, my strength and my provision.

I have learned that doing without is good, and it won't kill me or make my life less than. It actually promotes time with others, and fosters community growth.

I have learned that life doesn't have to be about consuming and it is important to watch and be a good steward of all resources...this includes hydro and gas.

I have learned that life is good, even when our finances are not nearly perfect...okay, they are a mess.

We have received a good advice:
1. to pay off the smallest debt first...while making minimum payments on the rest, so that when you pay that debt off, you have a sense of accomplishment. Then go to the next debt.
2. Consolidating debt into your mortgage is not advisable for debt under $25,000.
3. Don't carry c cards or interact cards.
4. be open with people, get advice
5. Continue to give...this week we did some creative felt good.
6. Love ourselves...don't beat ourselves up for making mistakes, but rather learning from them and trying to do things different.
7. Ask for help when okay...really! But very, very difficult for us independent types...okay, we don't do that enough.
8. Realize not everyone is at the same us, we just have to do our part, and live how we speak.

This is tough. It is tough at all levels...but oh, so, good!



  1. So yesterday I used my points from Royal Rewards to get a gift cert to HBC. I figured it would be a good way to buy some of the stuff I need for my new place.

    I have been thinking about this post and how my experiences of connection are so much deeper in homes anyway. Really what kind of conversation can you have in a restaurant?

  2. amen. We need to have you over sometime.
    Good for you in getting stuff for your new place. It is a good way to get stuff by using reward points. Paula got me an ipod for my birthday by using airmile points.
