Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 29

Questions I ask myself...through this debt reduction are:

1. Why do I give temporary solutions for people, rather than actual help? Why do other people do that...especially Christians?

2. Why do I fear really saying what I mean...especially when it comes to debt reduction and the body of believers?

3. Why am I continually disillusioned by wealthy believers?

4. Why do I not see a difference between "the world" and "the church"?

5. Why do I feel like this will cause people to view me as judgmental...when even Jesus up turned tables?

6. Why don't I pray more? Read the word more?

7. Why do I crave McDonald's? Chips?

8. Why is this so hard?

9. Why is it so easy?

10. Does anyone even hear this, get it, wanna make a difference?

Just 10 my head...that needed to get out...

and yes...we went to McDonald's yesterday...and no...I don't feel guilty...okay...maybe a little.

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