Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 26

Well, it's cold again, and that means the ceiling isn't leaking.
I got a chance to practically, shovel off snow, from the roof, to prevent ice daming (which was probably the culprit). We still need to look into work on the basement and the second floor ($$$$).

This weekend, we definitely felt like we were going through consumerism withdrawals. We realize how often we would go out...just to do something. Rather than go out only when we have a need. It was really good in a way. At one point on Saturday, I stood in the living room, itching to shop...and I realized that there was other internal issues that I needed to face. So I did that instead. I chose after to sit and read, and I got a lot done around the house.

Someone I know who recently came into some money, was telling me that they were going to purchase a Wii. Okay...every part of me has wanted a Wii. Something that Paula and I can do together, rather than just watch a movie and it gets us active. I thought about my response to my friend, which probably wasn't all that good. I was envious. I really was. I envied his ability to go out and just purchase something like this. I shared with this person how we would like one, but would probably take a few years. In retrospect...maybe that is a good thing...a very good thing. Paula and I can do things apart from watching a movie...and can get active too. But we can't when it is cold, especially anything outdoors...for the sake of Paula's hands and feet. (She has raynaud's)

The weekend posed some "stresses" that we could easily have wanted to go and impulsively buy...but we refrained. Knowing that we have bills to pay, makes us realize that in order for us to do this...we need to take some steps.

We did find a great international food store (Van Lai on McPhillips), with produce being considerably less costly than Safeway and Superstore...and it is a small business, and we have been 3 times since last year, and we realize we then tend to eat better as a result.

So this weekend was did challenge me...and it caused me to sit...with God, my Father more...which is a good thing.

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